The Pucikwar language, A-Pucikwar, is an extinct language of the Andaman Islands, India, formerly spoken
Translator of Books | Linguist
The Pucikwar language, A-Pucikwar, is an extinct language of the Andaman Islands, India, formerly spoken
Aari (also rendered Ari, Ara, Aro, Aarai) is an Omotic language spoken by the Aari
Achumawi is one of the two languages of the Palaihnihan family of northeastern California; the other
The languages grouped together as Adamawa-Ubangi belong to the Volta-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo family.
Akkadian (lišānum akkadītum, ak.kADû) is an extinct Semitic language, spoken in ancient Mesopotamia mainly by
The Andamanese languages are the various languages spoken by the indigenous peoples of the Andaman
Arabic is the official language of 21 countries in the Middle East and North Africa,
Aramaic is the native name of a language that first manifests itself in inscriptions in
The augment is a prefix used in certain Indo-European languages (Indo-Iranian, Greek, Armenian and Phrygian)